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Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB)

Yonkers, New York

Grant amount:


CURB will engage students from Saunders Trade and Technical High School in taking water quality samples from multiple sites on the Saw Mill River and Hudson River Front through October 2015. Students measurements will be overseen by three volunteer students from Sarah Lawrence College. The samples will be processed in CURB’s lab using EPA-approved IDEXX protocols. The data will be reported to the NYC Water Trail Association and distributed locally through YPRC’s email list. Students will work with staff to analyze the data and communicate trends and results to their peers and the greater local community through local press and CURB’s media outlets (website, newsletter, and social media). The grant will cover consumable lab and field sampling and measurement supplies; All staff time, other equipment, and overhead will be covered by the grantee.

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