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The Boone and Crockett Club's Ramuson Wildlife Conservation Center

Missoula, Montana

Grant amount:


The Boone and Crockett Club’s Rasmuson Wildlife Conservation Center (RWCC) on its 6,000 acre Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch (TRMR) will document weather systems as they occur off the east slope of the Rocky Mountains in Montana by incorporating a web camera into their already existing weather station data research and K-12 education program. Students will follow GLOBE protocols to learn about weather. During visits, the site offers students the opportunity to learn important concepts in geology, geography and wildlife habitat, and to experience the natural world.

Youth citizen science measurements and observations can be cross referenced by historical averages, current conditions (online or in-person) and other available resources incorporated both on our website and in person with visiting student groups. Cataloged data will be shared with teachers and students to show variability across various timeframes. Teacher trainings for GLOBE modules will also be offered at the facility to ensure data collection consistencies. Center staff will mentor students doing research projects in the context of the GLOBE Program.



Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists assists and rewards the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to the understanding of our environment through recognition and financial reward programs.

Grants range from equipment and supplies for taking environmental measurements to recognition and support for students presenting their research projects and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching. 



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