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Central Nebraska Bioblitz Trunk

Lincoln, Nebraska

Grant amount:

$1,250 matched by $1,188

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will expand its provision of materials for schoolyard bioblitzes to central Nebraska. Trunks contain materials to enable classroom teachers of 3rd to 12th grade students to conduct a bioblitz and report their observations to iNaturalist. Teachers check out the trunk at no cost and return it when their bioblitz is concluded. Students gain experience in observing the species in their environment and the techniques of scientific observation. Student learning will be assessed through pre and post tests. A bioblitz is an intensive observation program to identify all species of plants and animal present within a given area at a specific timeframe. The nature guides provided in the trunk enable species identification and cameras provided provide pictures to confirm observations. Trunks have already been made available in eastern and western areas of the state.

Central Nebraska Bioblitz Trunk
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Central Nebraska Bioblitz Trunk


Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists assists and rewards the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to the understanding of our environment through recognition and financial reward programs.

Grants range from equipment and supplies for taking environmental measurements to recognition and support for students presenting their research projects and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching. 



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