LOOOP Program of the Upstate Freshwater Institute
Syracuse, New York
Grant amount:
The Upstate Freshwater Institute (UFI) in Syracuse, NY, engages in outreach activities with members of the public, local educators, high school students, and college students. Their most recent educational program, the Lake Ontario, Oneida, Onondaga Program (LOOOP), is a multi-faceted educational program that supports the integration of watershed and limnological concepts in the classroom through professional development opportunities for high school teachers and provides materials and resources that can support student-led scientific investigations. UFI proposes to work with 300 students from 10 high schools to do research projects investigating water quality. Students will conduct water measurements using GLOBE protocols for transparency and water temperature using loaned equipment purchased through the YLACES grant. Student research will be reported and shared through a local student research symposium or other GLOBE activities.