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Mike Jabot Microplastics

Grant amount:


Fredonia, New York

Microplastics have become a major environmental concern in the waters near State University of New York Fredonia. Students from 12 schools will measure microplastics in local water bodies and assemble their data to assess the extent of

this pollution and devise an approach to address this problem. Their work will directly address UN Sustainable Development Goal 14. The students will continue to collect water quality variables using GLOBE Protocols for these parameters.

Additionally, the students will be using the Debris Tracker app on smart devices to record plastics and other man-made debris that is removed at and near the study site. These data will be used by their student research groups as part of their local

Student Research Symposium submission. This local SRS is hosted by SUNY Fredonia and is planned for January 11, 2024. Following this event, students will revise their work for submission to the IVSS. Finally, based on feedback from their

IVSS submission, students will submit to the Regional SRS to be held in Spring 2024, site to be determined.

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