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Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA)

Grant amount:



GLOBE Training for Nature Clubs in Schools of Nepal

ECCA Nepal is looking to offer training focused on the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and pedosphere through the GLOBE Observer App, as well as data entry to promote hands-on learning, scientific understanding, and STEM education. ECCA will continue Mosquito Training in the schools as dengue is real problems in Nepal. The project aims to benefit 17 school students and teachers by providing them with GLOBE kits for conducting science in their local environment. ECCA is requesting a grant of $1500 for GLOBE instruments and one training session for teachers and students. This initiative will help to empower teachers and students by familiarizing them with the GLOBE program and engaging in scientific activities. ECCA believes that this project will have a significant impact on the lives of students and teachers, fostering scientific research and contributing to STEM education and science literacy in Nepal.

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