The Ministry of Environment GLOBE Country Coordinators
Grant amount:
Argentina, Peru, and Uruguay
The Ministry of Environment GLOBE Country Coordinators are looking for $5,000 to continue their butterfly monitoring project. The $5,000 will go towards field trips to the monitoring sites, butterfly field guides, Expert advisory, google drive expansion, and monitoring instruments. These monitoring instruments include devices like thermometers, anemometers, and pluviometers.
This project will include grade school students from three countries including Argentina, Peru, Uruguay. Five teachers will work with around 160 students on this butterfly monitoring project
Students will learn how to measure different environmental variables such as surface temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and clouds. They will also practice project specific data collection like butterfly species and habitat measurements. The data collected will be uploaded to the GLOBE website and used to create a distribution map of the sites where the species were observed. Finally students will create collaborative projects that will be presented at different international scientific events.