Dixon Butler
Dixon Matlock Butler
Butler Consulting
Founder, YLACES
Dixon Butler, the Founder and President of YLACES, is a consultant to government agencies, non-profits, foundations and corporations on a wide range of science-related areas. His deep expertise includes science and information system management, satellite mission planning, STEM and environmental education, budget and appropriations, remote sensing, energy, environment, nuclear, science, and space policy.
Following a public school education in Richmond, Virginia, he attended Harvard (AB ’71, AM, ’71) and Rice Universities (MS, ’74; PhD, ’75). His research focus was on atmospheric photochemical modeling first of planetary ionospheres and subsequently on stratospheric ozone depletion. At NASA, he had an early transition from research to serving as a science program manager. While with NASA, he was recognized as the 1979-80 American Physical Society Congressional Science Fellow. He then managed stratospheric and solar-terrestrial research, led the planning of the Earth Observing System (EOS), and went on to lead a division with responsibility for all NASA Earth science mission data systems and operations and the development of EOS Data and Information System.
In 1996, he joined the leadership team of the GLOBE Program, an initiative of Vice President Al Gore to promote international K-12 environmental science education. Dixon served as Chief Scientist and eventually Deputy Director and Director. In 2003, Butler joined the Democratic staff of the House Committee on Appropriations, serving as clerk of the Energy and Water Subcommittee until 2008. He then worked on the Commerce, Justice, Science subcommittee with responsibility for the appropriations accounts of NASA and NSF until retiring from federal service in January 2011 and began consulting with a primary focus on NASA and its continuing operation of GLOBE.
Dr. Butler is married with four grown children and three grandchildren. He is President of the Virginia Environmental Endowment and chairs its Board of Directors. He is active in his church and supportive of his wife’s many activities in the theater and arts communities of Washington, DC.
Dixon M. Butler Maniac Lecture at Goddard Earth Science Laboratories