Student Research Symposia
Frequently Asked Questions
What does an SRS include?
A session where students present their work to their peers
A session where scientists review the posters and give pointers on areas for improvement or further investigation
Students are treated to a visit to a local attraction such as a science museum, aquarium, etc.
Keynote speaker after dinner
Students are provided with a chance to meet professional scientists and have their questions answered

How does an SRS work?
SRS are held annually across the United States
SRS lasts a day and a half
Local arrangements and sponsorship provided through GLOBE partners
Students in 5th-12th grade conduct environmental research projects on topics of their own choosing
Projects are individual or can be in teams of up to four members
Students bring reports of their work to an SRS for their region
Travel support provided for at-risk and underrepresented students
Housing provided for those coming from away
Meals and special activities provided for all attendees
How can teachers get involved?
Find out here.