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Prirodoslovna i grafička škola

Rijeka, Croatia

Grant amount:


Students from Prirodoslovna i grafička škola extend the school’s student investigation of air pollution in Bakar, Croatia. Measurements will be taken of aerosols along with soil and water conductivity and pH. The conductivity measurements have been found to be a good indicator of the presence of heavy metals, and pH is an indicator of the presence of nitrates and sulfates. Students will learn the close connection of the air, water, and soil in the environment. If the results show pollution, they will brainstorm ways to improve the local environment and try to come up with some fresh ideas about what actions could be taken. The project and the results of the students’ ideas will be shown at a lecture for Bakar residents. The grant will provide a Calitoo sun photometer and other equipment for the students’ investigation, and transportation to the measurement site. Data will be reported to GLOBE.

Students submitted the report of their research to the GLOBE Virtual Science Fair and received high marks. This qualified them for a drawing to receive a $2,000 travel grant to enable attendance at the 2016 GLOBE Annual Conference. The school was selected in the drawing and two of the four students attended ine meeting with their teacher Marina Pallic. This picture shows the students and teacher in front of their poster at the confenence together with YLACES President Dixon Butler.

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