Student Research Symposia
2024 GLOBE Student Research Symposia Dates and Locations
Southeast - INFINITY Science Center (Pearlington, MS) April 5th - 6th
Northeast & Mid-Atlantic - Berks Nature (Reading, PA) May 3rd - 4th
Southwest - All Saints' Episcopal School (Fort Worth, TX), May 3rd - 4th
Midwest - Toledo Zoo (Toledo, OH), May 7th - 8th
Pacific & Northwest - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, CA) May 10th - 11th
The U.S. GLOBE Office will be supporting in-person events. The U.S. GLOBE Office, with support from NASA and YLACES, is accepting proposals of no more than two pages for local, in-person, one-day SRS.
Learn more here.

Find out more and sign up for a SRS on GLOBE's website:
Beginning in 2019, YLACES began sponsoring six annual GLOBE Student Research Symposia (SRS) that provide students with the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from both peers and professionals. The goal is to build students' scientific and research abilities. Students presenting their research at one of the symposia are treated as scientists and therefore see themselves as scientists. This increases their self-efficacy for science practices. Through the student research symposia, youth do science, learn science, and gain scientific habits of mind.
Take your students on the journey of a lifetime...
While students present their work, half-day professional development sessions are provided for chaperones who are teachers.
2019 SRS Summary
Check out a summary of our 2019 SRS here: